DataSet Record GDS3662: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: A2B adenosine receptor deficient heart response to ischemic preconditioning and subsequent reperfusion
Cluster AnalysisGDS3662 Cluster Image
Summary: Analysis of heart of A2B adenosine receptor (A2BAR) deficient animals subjected to ischemic preconditioning (IP) and subsequent reperfusion. IP induces cardioprotection to prolonged ischemia. A2BAR deficient animals do not respond to IP and have increased susceptibility to acute myocardial ischemia.
Organism: Mus musculus
Platform: GPL1261: [Mouse430_2] Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array
  • Eckle T, Hartmann K, Bonney S, Reithel S et al. Adora2b-elicited Per2 stabilization promotes a HIF-dependent metabolic switch crucial for myocardial adaptation to ischemia. Nat Med 2012 Apr 15;18(5):774-82. PMID: 22504483
Reference Series: GSE19875 Sample count: 12
Value type: count Series published: 2010/01/14