DataSet Record GDS947: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: Lacrimal gland and cornea burn: time course (SMCmou8400A)
Cluster AnalysisGDS947 Cluster Image
Summary: Examination of the effect of stimulation stress produced by chemical burn to the cornea in the lacrimal gland over a 0.5 to 360 hour time course in comparison with the non-stimulated controls.
Organism: Mus musculus
Platform: GPL1230: SMCmou8400A
  • Fang Y, Choi D, Searles RP, Mathers WD. A time course microarray study of gene expression in the mouse lacrimal gland after acute corneal trauma. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2005 Feb;46(2):461-9. PMID: 15671270
Reference Series: GSE1393 Sample count: 46
Value type: log ratio Series published: 2004/05/21