DataSet Record GDS694: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: AtMYB23 MYB transcription factor target down-regulation
Cluster AnalysisGDS694 Cluster Image
Summary: Examination of rosette leaves from 2 week old Columbia-0 transgenic seedlings expressing AtMYB23SRDX, a chimeric AtMYB23 MYB transcription factor with an SRDX repression domain. Seedlings expressing AtMYB23SRDX are defective in trichome development.
Organism: Arabidopsis thaliana
Platform: GPL1323: NimbleGen 60mer Arabidopsis array
  • Matsui K, Hiratsu K, Koyama T, Tanaka H et al. A chimeric AtMYB23 repressor induces hairy roots, elongation of leaves and stems, and inhibition of the deposition of mucilage on seed coats in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol 2005 Jan;46(1):147-55. PMID: 15668208
Reference Series: GSE1544 Sample count: 3
Value type: count Series published: 2004/07/07