DataSet Record GDS4009: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: Half-udder model response to milking frequency and timing of mammary biopsies
Cluster AnalysisGDS4009 Cluster Image
Summary: Analysis of mammary biopsies from lactating cows assigned to unilateral frequent milking (2X daily of left udder half, 4X daily of right udder half). Biopsies obtained at 5 days in milk, immediately after the 4X udder half had been milked, or 2.5 h after both udder halves had last been milked.
Organism: Bos taurus
Platform: GPL2112: [Bovine] Affymetrix Bovine Genome Array
  • Wall EH, Bond JP, McFadden TB. Acute milk yield response to frequent milking during early lactation is mediated by genes transiently regulated by milk removal. Physiol Genomics 2012 Jan 18;44(1):25-34. PMID: 22028429
Reference Series: GSE27380 Sample count: 14
Value type: transformed count Series published: 2012/02/27