DataSet Record GDS1700: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: Anemia induced by acute renal rejection: peripheral blood lymphocytes
Cluster AnalysisGDS1700 Cluster Image
Summary: Analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes from 4 renal allograft recipients with acute rejection and concurrent anemia. Compromised renal function after renal allograft transplantation often results in anemia. Results provide insight into the molecular events underlying anemia in acute rejection.
Organism: Homo sapiens
Platform: GPL3306: SVB
  • Chua MS, Barry C, Chen X, Salvatierra O et al. Molecular profiling of anemia in acute renal allograft rejection using DNA microarrays. Am J Transplant 2003 Jan;3(1):17-22. PMID: 12492705
Reference Series: GSE3976 Sample count: 4
Value type: log2 ratio Series published: 2006/01/06