Entry - *604181 - RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN L37; RPL37 - OMIM
* 604181


HGNC Approved Gene Symbol: RPL37

Cytogenetic location: 5p13.1     Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 5:40,825,262-40,835,222 (from NCBI)


Cloning and Expression

The mammalian ribosome is composed of 4 RNA species (see 180450) and approximately 80 different proteins (see 180466).

Barnard et al. (1994) isolated a human RPL37 cDNA from a cDNA library generated by subtracting a normal colon cDNA library from a colon tumor cDNA library. By PCR using oligonucleotides based on this cDNA, they cloned additional RPL37 cDNAs from several normal tissue and tumor cDNA libraries. Sequence analysis showed that the nucleotide sequences of the tumor-derived cDNAs were identical to those of the normal tissue-derived cDNAs. The deduced 97-amino acid RPL37 protein contains a single C2C2-type zinc finger domain, multiple potential serine/threonine phosphorylation sites, a potential histone methylation site, and potential N-glycosylation sites. RPL37 is basic, with a calculated pI of 12.6. The human RPL37 protein is identical to rat Rpl37. Northern blot analysis detected an approximately 375-bp RPL37 transcript in normal human liver and colonic epithelium.

Su and Bird (1995) isolated an RPL37 cDNA from a subtracted HeLa cell cDNA library. They found that RPL37 is constitutively expressed during all phases of the cell cycle, including the quiescent phase, and is expressed during terminal differentiation. Rpl37 was expressed in all embryonic mouse tissues examined.


By somatic cell hybrid and radiation hybrid mapping analyses, Kenmochi et al. (1998) mapped the human RPL37 gene to chromosome 5p.


  1. Barnard, G. F., Staniunas, R. J., Puder, M., Steele, G. D., Jr., Chen, L. B. Human ribosomal protein L37 has motifs predicting serine/threonine phosphorylation and a zinc-finger domain. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1218: 425-428, 1994. [PubMed: 7545944, related citations] [Full Text]

  2. Kenmochi, N., Kawaguchi, T., Rozen, S., Davis, E., Goodman, N., Hudson, T. J., Tanaka, T., Page, D. C. A map of 75 human ribosomal protein genes. Genome Res. 8: 509-523, 1998. [PubMed: 9582194, related citations] [Full Text]

  3. Su, S., Bird, R. C. Cell cycle, differentiation and tissue-independent expression of ribosomal protein L37. Europ. J. Biochem. 232: 789-797, 1995. [PubMed: 7588717, related citations]

Creation Date:
Patti M. Sherman : 9/21/1999
alopez : 03/16/2016
terry : 4/9/2004
mgross : 9/23/1999
psherman : 9/22/1999

* 604181


HGNC Approved Gene Symbol: RPL37

Cytogenetic location: 5p13.1     Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 5:40,825,262-40,835,222 (from NCBI)


Cloning and Expression

The mammalian ribosome is composed of 4 RNA species (see 180450) and approximately 80 different proteins (see 180466).

Barnard et al. (1994) isolated a human RPL37 cDNA from a cDNA library generated by subtracting a normal colon cDNA library from a colon tumor cDNA library. By PCR using oligonucleotides based on this cDNA, they cloned additional RPL37 cDNAs from several normal tissue and tumor cDNA libraries. Sequence analysis showed that the nucleotide sequences of the tumor-derived cDNAs were identical to those of the normal tissue-derived cDNAs. The deduced 97-amino acid RPL37 protein contains a single C2C2-type zinc finger domain, multiple potential serine/threonine phosphorylation sites, a potential histone methylation site, and potential N-glycosylation sites. RPL37 is basic, with a calculated pI of 12.6. The human RPL37 protein is identical to rat Rpl37. Northern blot analysis detected an approximately 375-bp RPL37 transcript in normal human liver and colonic epithelium.

Su and Bird (1995) isolated an RPL37 cDNA from a subtracted HeLa cell cDNA library. They found that RPL37 is constitutively expressed during all phases of the cell cycle, including the quiescent phase, and is expressed during terminal differentiation. Rpl37 was expressed in all embryonic mouse tissues examined.


By somatic cell hybrid and radiation hybrid mapping analyses, Kenmochi et al. (1998) mapped the human RPL37 gene to chromosome 5p.


  1. Barnard, G. F., Staniunas, R. J., Puder, M., Steele, G. D., Jr., Chen, L. B. Human ribosomal protein L37 has motifs predicting serine/threonine phosphorylation and a zinc-finger domain. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1218: 425-428, 1994. [PubMed: 7545944] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1016/0167-4781(94)90197-x]

  2. Kenmochi, N., Kawaguchi, T., Rozen, S., Davis, E., Goodman, N., Hudson, T. J., Tanaka, T., Page, D. C. A map of 75 human ribosomal protein genes. Genome Res. 8: 509-523, 1998. [PubMed: 9582194] [Full Text: https://doi.org/10.1101/gr.8.5.509]

  3. Su, S., Bird, R. C. Cell cycle, differentiation and tissue-independent expression of ribosomal protein L37. Europ. J. Biochem. 232: 789-797, 1995. [PubMed: 7588717]

Creation Date:
Patti M. Sherman : 9/21/1999

Edit History:
alopez : 03/16/2016
terry : 4/9/2004
mgross : 9/23/1999
psherman : 9/22/1999