
Print a data report containing gene metadata by gene symbol


Print a data report containing gene metadata by gene symbol


datasets summary gene symbol - Print a data report containing gene metadata by gene symbol


datasets summary gene symbol <gene symbol ...> [flags]


Print a data report containing gene metadata by gene symbol and taxon (NCBI Taxonomy ID, scientific or common name for a species). If no taxon is specified, data will be returned for human. The data report is returned in JSON format.


  datasets summary gene symbol tp53
  datasets summary gene symbol brca1 --taxon "mus musculus"


      --api-key string     Specify an NCBI API key
      --as-json-lines      Stream results as newline delimited JSON-Lines
      --debug              Emit debugging info
      --help               Print detailed help about a datasets command
      --inputfile string   Read a list of NCBI Gene Symbols from a file to use as input
      --limit string       Limit the number of gene summaries returned
                             * all:      returns all matching gene summaries
                             * a number: returns the specified number of matching gene summaries
                                (default "all")
      --ortholog strings   Retrieves data for an ortholog set. Provide one or more taxa (any rank, limited to vertebrates and insects) to filter results or 'all' for the complete set.
      --report string      Choose the output type:
                             * gene:     Retrieve the primary gene report
                             * product:  Retrieve product data report
                             * ids_only: Only retrieve gene-ids
                                (default "complete")
      --taxon string       Define species (NCBI taxid, common or scientific name) for gene symbol (default "human")
      --version            Print version of datasets
Generated May 21, 2024