GeneReviews Resource Materials

Wallace SE.

Publication Details

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Note: These resource materials, provided by the editors of GeneReviews, include the following:

  • Educational Materials, intended for individuals of varying experience with clinical genetics and designed to clarify genetics concepts presented in GeneReviews chapters – as the GeneReviews glossary clarifies our use of genetic counseling and testing terms

GeneReviews Resource Materials will be updated as needed, and new materials added as they are completed. Reader comments and suggestions are welcome. — The Editors

Resources for Genetics Professionals

Epigenetic Signature Analysis: An Introduction (revised 6-30-22)

An introduction to epigenetic signature analysis and comparison of gene-specific genome-wide methylation analysis and epigenetic modifications to specific regions of the genome

Mosaicism (10-27-22)

The occurrence within a single individual or tissue of two or more cell lines with a different genetic or chromosomal composition, involving somatic cells, germline cells, and/or tumor cells. Implications for molecular genetic testing and genetic counseling are discussed.

Founder Variants by Population: Genes and Disorders (revised 12-7-23)

Pathogenic variants observed at high frequency in specific populations due to the presence of the variant in a single ancestor or small number of ancestors