Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd18668: CD1_tandem_CHD5-9_like 
repeat 1 of the paired tandem chromodomains of chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 5-9, and similar proteins
Repeat 1 of tandem CHRomatin Organization Modifier (chromo) domains, found in CHD (chromodomain helicase DNA-binding) proteins such as mammalian helicase DNA-binding proteins CHD5, CHD6, CHD7, CHD8, and CHD9. The CHD proteins belong to the SNF2 superfamily of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers and contain two signature motifs: a pair of chromodomains located in the N-terminal region, and the SNF2-like ATPase domain located in the central region of the protein. CHD chromatin remodelers are important regulators of transcription and play critical roles during developmental processes. The N-terminal chromodomains of CHD1 have been shown to guard against sliding hexasomes. Mutations in the chromodomains of mouse CHD1 result in nuclear redistribution, suggesting that the chromodomain is essential for proper association with chromatin; also, deletion of the chromodomains in the Drosophila melanogaster CHD3-4 homolog impaired nucleosome binding, mobilization, and ATPase functions. CHD6, CHD7, and CHD8 enzymes have been demonstrated to have different substrate specificities and remodeling activities. A chromodomain is a conserved region of about 50 amino acids, found in a variety of chromosomal proteins, and which appears to play a role in the functional organization of the eukaryotic nucleus. The chromodomain is implicated in the binding, of the proteins in which it is found, to methylated histone tails and maybe RNA. A chromodomain may occur as a single instance, in a tandem arrangement, or followed by a related chromo shadow domain.
PSSM-Id: 349315
Aligned: 25 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 79.688
Created: 4-Dec-2017
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
peptide binding
Feature 1:peptide binding site [polypeptide binding site]
  • Comment:based on the contacts of the first repeat (CD1) of tandem chromodomains of human CHD1, with histone H3 tail containing trimethyllysine 4 and dimethylarginine 2; human CHD1 uses 2 aromatic residues (tryptophans) for methyllysine recognition

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1          #                                               # ##   #                    
Q8TD26     288 EDDANIIEKILASKTVQEvhpge------------------ppfdLELFYVKYRNFSYLHCKWATMEELEk--DPRIAQK 347  human
ELT96855   837 EVKEEVKEEVKEEEAAGVgggesae-------------kegeeieTEEFYVKYKNFSYLHCEWRTADELEr-gDRRIQGK 902  Capitella teleta
CCA16095   250 HLSSMIIEKIMGCRKASIemn---------------------eaeVVEYYIKWKNFSYLHCSWETTDTLLsldPQTNKQR 308  Albugo laibachii...
OAF70481   608 YDTTMNIEKVLGDRENVRfklaeysd------------lvkteinDIEYLVKYRHFSYLHCEWKTEEELMg-yDSRIKQK 674  Intoshia linei
KII61718   710 EGKVMLIERILADRVRPAddgeeds--------------tvsegiVEEYFIKFKCYSYLHCEWCSTSELKk-rDRNAISK 774  Thelohanellus ki...
NP_523441 1850 KEGEESVKKENDEKTEADmenkpe----------------pvfidVEEYFVKYRNFSYLHCEWRTEEELLk-gDRRVAAK 1912 fruit fly
CEF67400   970 PIEEPMNEEILEKPKKIItee----------------------reVEEYFIKFKGRSYVHCAWKTIEELEv-dDKRVLAK 1026 Strongyloides ratti
EFX79109  1520 ELDTSVGVKVVKEETKPKknkkp-----------------artieVEEYYVKYKNFSYLHCEWRTEEELVr-gDKRIPQK 1581 common water flea
NP_491426 1012 NGEEKSEEKVKKEPKENGengesvgngessksktesetneieeeeVEQFLIKWKGRSYVHCEWKTAAELLe-iDKRVEAK 1090 Caenorhabditis e...
OAO15028   111 YRQTMPIARWLTTLKKMNtryvhngsrmhtd-rwlsldaaaqnesVQLYLVKWRNLSYLHCSWETEADLLaleNTRMKAK 189  Blastocystis sp....
Feature 1            
Q8TD26     348 IKRFRN 353  human
ELT96855   903 IKRFKL 908  Capitella teleta
CCA16095   309 IKRFLE 314  Albugo laibachii Nc14
OAF70481   675 IKRYRM 680  Intoshia linei
KII61718   775 IRRYKN 780  Thelohanellus kitauei
NP_523441 1913 IRRFQQ 1918 fruit fly
CEF67400  1027 INRYKQ 1032 Strongyloides ratti
EFX79109  1582 LKRFHQ 1587 common water flea
NP_491426 1091 IKRFKV 1096 Caenorhabditis elegans
OAO15028   190 ILRFLK 195  Blastocystis sp. ATCC 50177

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