Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd12300: RRM1_PAR14 (this model, PSSM-Id:240746 is obsolete and has been replaced by 409741)
RNA recognition motif 1 in vertebrate poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 14 (PARP-14)
This subfamily corresponds to the RRM1 of PARP-14, also termed aggressive lymphoma protein 2, a member of the B aggressive lymphoma (BAL) family of macrodomain-containing PARPs. It is expressed in B lymphocytes and interacts with the IL-4-induced transcription factor Stat6. It plays a fundamental role in the regulation of IL-4-induced B-cell protection against apoptosis after irradiation or growth factor withdrawal. It mediates IL-4 effects on the levels of gene products that regulate cell survival, proliferation, and lymphomagenesis. PARP-14 acts as a transcriptional switch for Stat6-dependent gene activation. In the presence of IL-4, PARP-14 activates transcription by facilitating the binding of Stat6 to the promoter and release of HDACs from the promoter with an IL-4 signal. In contrast, in the absence of a signal, PARP-14 acts as a transcriptional repressor by recruiting HDACs. Moreover, the absence of PARP-14 protects against Myc-induced developmental block and lymphoma. Thus, PARP-14 may play an important role in Myc-induced oncogenesis. Research indicates that PARP-14 is also a binding partner with phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI)/ autocrine motility factor (AMF). It can inhibit PGI/AMF ubiquitination, thus contributing to its stabilization and secretion. PARP-14 contains two N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), also termed RBDs (RNA binding domains) or RNPs (ribonucleoprotein domains), three tandem macro domains, and C-terminal region with sequence homology to PARP catalytic domain.
PSSM-Id: 240746
Aligned: 11 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 71.6633
Created: 6-Feb-2012
Updated: 1-Feb-2013
Aligned Rows:
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Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Q460N5          6 SFPLLVEGSWgpdp--pknlNTKLQMYFQSp-KRSGGgECEVRQdp---rsPSRFLVFFyp------------------- 60   human
NP_001107919    7 PYALCVEGQWdprt---pklKNKFIIYFQSk-KSDGG-DCVVEYsv---sdGQTATVRFkt------------------- 59   zebrafish
XP_002942644    6 TFQFPVALQWdlgpeklkevKNKLLVYFQSksKSNGG-ELRDRVl-----qKQTHELSLpggqklkl---------nisl 70   western clawe...
XP_422113       8 SFPLLVRGDWgtaep-paalRKKLLLYFQSp-KRSGGgECELRElhavlalEHAHRASSss------------------- 66   chicken
Q8TDB6          8 PSPLLVRVYKsgp-----rvRRKLESYFQSs-KSSGGgECTVSTqeh--eaPGTFRVEFse------------------- 60   human
Q3UIR3          8 PSPLLVRLREsip-----kaHRKLEIYFQS--RASGGgECSVQPvgp--saPDTYEVKFlk------------------- 59   house mouse
NP_001154081   10 PYPITIDVSWtnsv--skgiQNKLQIYFQSk-KKSSGgDCLVHYed---qrSTRATVYFks------------------- 64   rainbow trout
XP_003199380    4 YYPIIVEGDWgpeh--tkslKNKLQIHFQSk-KKSQGgDCVVKYd-----eRKSATILFkt------------------- 56   zebrafish
XP_003641673    2 AVPLLVRLCPvpdg--gervILKLQSYFQSp-RRSGGgECEVQAgp----eRGIYRVYFkq------------------- 55   chicken
XP_002943711   12 GFPILVSLPPlpsppapaklERKIEKYFQSk-GESGGgECNVSGtg----nPQIYRVSFvn------------------- 67   western clawe...
XP_001371895    6 PFPLVLDGPWgpdpp-prklLKKLHCYFQSp-QRSGGgESRQRVl-----eNKRHELELsreekltltvtlptakqeded 78   gray short-ta...
Q460N5         61 -edVRQKVLERknhe-lvwqGKGTFKLTVQ 88   human
NP_001107919   60 -eqVRRRVVNKqthe--lkiGQKTVKITVS 86   zebrafish
XP_002942644   71 peaGRPNVSKAees---pakGSAVREPKAK 97   western clawed frog
XP_422113      67 -ptQRLRVRCRlsa---adePVPSVPTPAE 92   chicken
Q8TDB6         61 -raAKERVLKKgehq--ilvDEKPVPIFLV 87   human
Q3UIR3         60 -kaDKEKVLKKsehe--mlvHNKPVTIVLE 86   house mouse
NP_001154081   65 -edVRESVLSRdnhk--itvDNETVKLRLS 91   rainbow trout
XP_003199380   57 -sdIRDAVLSQaehvitidtQQIKLKVYKP 85   zebrafish
XP_003641673   56 -eqDKKRVESRanhv--levGDKELKVVIL 82   chicken
XP_002943711   68 -keDRENVLRRkehs--iqmNGSELRLSVK 94   western clawed frog
XP_001371895   79 neePVPKEESKikng-aqeqDASEDQDTEH 107  gray short-tailed opossum
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